Academies are a premium specialised education and training programmes which are further strengthened by the exchange of experiences of professionals participating in the programme. The interest in the Academy is always high and the experiences of our previous participants have shown that this way of working through interactive workshops and exchange of experiences is a winning combination and it provides the maximum effect for personal and professional development. The Academy is run by trainers with proven results and experience, licenced by renowned leading international companies (Brian Tracy Global, Focal Point Coaching and Structogram Training System).
Program has so far been attended by 2,000,000 participants in over 60 countries
Quick and intuitive adoption and application of what is learned
Thematic units focused on the needs of individuals that can be universally applied in practice
Strategic Leadership Workbook – under the licence of Brian Tracy
Licenced book of the Swiss training system Structogram – Key to Self-Knowledge
Bonus work materials for 4 modules – Perform At Your Best – programme under the licence of Brian Tracy
International certificate Brian Tracy Global
Web platform for everyday learning support through work materials and audio recordings
More efficient management of personal potential
Successful development and management of team members
More efficient achievement of set goals
Persons who run a team of at least three people
Persons who have a minimum of 5 years of experience in a leadership position
Persons who want to acquire superior leadership skills
Persons who want to improve sales results
Persons who have a minimum of 2 years of experience in a sales position
Persons who want to acquire superior sales skills
Superiority in all fields – this is the result of the Academy, a premium programme of Alterna International that we implement with members of the top management of companies. The Academy of Strategic Leadership is an international business education school based at the Brian Tracy Global Regional Centre for Southeast Europe in Belgrade. It is implemented through the exchange of experiences and constant interactive workshops that are held every other Saturday, from 10 am to 4 pm, for a period of 3 months.
The Academy of Strategic Leadership enables participants to:
Manage personal potential more effectively
Successfully develop and manage team members
Achieve set goals more efficiently
Apply the acquired knowledge and skills in practice
Exchange experiences
Network with leaders from different industries
The Academy of Superior Sales Skills is a premium programme licensed by Brian Tracy Global that we implement with top performers in sales and those who want to become one.
The Academy enables participants to:
Strengthen self-motivation and focus on key activities
Successfully gain and maintain the trust of their clients
Increase their productivity and profitability
The Academy of Superior Sales Skills is implemented through the exchange of experiences and constant interactive workshops.
More information soon
Biljana Pesic |
Biljana Pesic is a consultant and trainer at Alterna International, she leaves a strong positive impression and teaches students concrete business skills in trainings, immediately applicable in practice. With her attitude, self-confidence and authority, she motivates participants to actively participate in the training, while always giving her maximum. |
Darko Mirkovic |
Recognised as an entrepreneur, consultant and business skills trainer with a lot of practical knowledge, when asked how he manages to empower people to continuously achieve above-average results, he almost always answers: “My life goal is to encourage as many people as possible to work on increasing their personal potential.” |
Veronika Tasic Vusurovic |
Veronika Tasić Vušurović je strateški savetnik, poslovni konsultant, trener poslovnih veština i mentor. U prethodne dve decenije je savetovala i radila sa liderima i menadžment timovima na teme strategije, prodaje, marketinga i svega što ima veze sa klijentima. |
Dusanka Talic |
Dušanka ima dugogodišnje iskustvo na menadżerskim pozicijama pre svega u finansijskom sektoru. Nakon uspešne karijere na poziciji CFO u kompaniji Wurth, Dušanka osniva kompaniju INTERISK koju 2016. godine prodaje austrijskoj kompaniji Greco, zadržavajući poziciju generalnog menadžera kompanije.
"The Academy is an interactive, inspiring and applicable program that has helped me better understand the importance of leading by example."
Marijana Stanojević
''At the Academy, the trainers are dedicated to dealing with each student, I learned to better manage my emotions, I discovered my potential and developed the skills I need in my work.''
Katarina Marić - direktor prodaje, Reklamni materijali
''After many different trainings and workshops, during the last two decades, in which I participated as a listener or I was a coach, the Academy of Strategic Leadership circled my knowledge, experience, gave clear guidelines for further development of my managerial skills. for the challenges that tomorrow brings. The academy changed my paradigm and taught me how to be a successful manager at a time when the speed of change is increasing. An innovative and more than current approach to manager training.''
Nenad Ratkov - vlasnik, Grina
"The Academy of Strategic Leadership has primarily helped me become more aware of my responsibilities in communication and relationships with people, as well as to more clearly define relationships, jobs, decisions and goals. Also, I have learned to simplify the process of analysis, creation and implementation as much as possible, primarily for myself, but also for the people I work with. I met wonderful lecturers and participants, I look at the Academy as an investment in myself!"
Mario Radonja - suvlasnik i direktor, Društvo za posredovanje u osiguranju MAKLER-INS
“The Academy of Business Skills is a fantastic experience, for a lifetime! Dedication of the coach, expertise, experience, great atmosphere! The things that are learned can be applied in all professional, but also private situations. The extent to which this experience has influenced my positive change is also illustrated by the fact that it was noticed by my closest ones."
Marijana Abbasher - rukovodilac ekspoziture, Eurobank Srbija
"The Academy of Strategic Leadership is a great way for a person who is already leading people or who will be entrusted with that role in the future to fully understand what the role of a leader means and what is required of a leader in practice."
Tanja Milinković direktor ljudskih resursa, MikroElektronika
"An incredibly nice educational experience. The most valuable things in the world look simple, that is their value and beauty in the way they are used. That value, which I received at the Academy, will be easier to apply in my future business."
Zoran Pljakić - regionalni menadžer prodaje, De Heus
"Through the work at the Academy, I have kickstarted my potential for improving leadership skills in the areas of team building, strategic planning, decision making. Trainings and lectures provided me with valuable insights for managing people, and experiences have proven that they function successfully in a real environment."
Dragan Simović - hotel Executive Assistant Manager, Metropol Palace
"I would recommend the Academy of Strategic Leadership to everyone. The Academy is a set of ideas, theories and facts, the application of which brings incredible results in practice. There are many interesting modules that give a new perspective and contribute to the development of new ideas and progress both in business and personal life. The Academy helped me take a step forward."
Jovana Pantelić
"During professional development, one of the most important areas is personal development. You choose what you need and improve in every sense. The Academy of Strategic Leadership helped me, primarily, to discover my potential at full capacity, to manage emotions and achieve high degree of emotional intelligence, as well as to establish the right principles for setting and effectively achieving my goals."
Marija Obrenović savetnik, Narodna banka Srbije
"From the point of view of a company owner, the Academy brought me a completely different view of the various situations I go through every day, with certainly less stress and more wisdom and knowledge. Everything presented is applicable to the daily work I do. A very positive atmosphere and exchange of opinions among the participants contributes to the quality of the Academy itself."
Zoran Mirović osnivač i direktor, Mayrex
"The Academy of Strategic Leadership is a carefully prepared and precisely organised programme that provided me with deep knowledge about the essence of leadership. Prejudices that leaders are born with all the qualities that make them leaders were shattered, as well as that certain leadership skills cannot be practiced. The leader in me got a range of applicable techniques and practical tools, with which it will be easier to handle all the challenges of future demanding roles. I was accompanied by a wonderful feeling at every lecture, there was no other place where I would rather be in those moments, than precisely at the Academy."
Milena Maravić direktor poslovanja za privredu, OTP Banka
"The Academy of Strategic Leadership is a professional training which aims to make you even more successful in the business you are engaged in. This is a programme that will help you develop as a person and improve the skills needed in your career, business and professional development. You will also learn to manage your own potential, as well as set clear goals that are measurable. For me - this Academy was especially marked by the fantastic team of Alterna International, professionals and leaders in their work."
Selena Aleksandrić - brend direktor, Dahlia
"What we achieve is the result of our thinking and the perception we have. That is why it is important to constantly learn, exchange knowledge and experience with others, as well as to adopt innovative, and already proven in practice, principles of leadership. I believe that the Academy of Strategic Leadership has influenced my personal and professional development."
Mihailo Jevtić - direktor prodaje za SMK, Oriflame
"The Academy of Strategic Leadership helped me to better understand the principles of leadership thinking, but also to apply them in the process of creating my own business. I recommend the Academy to all young people who have a vision and strive to achieve outstanding results."
Jelena Jovanović - vlasnik, Mione Atelier
Of all that a company can own, only people can grow in value. Let’s talk about how we can further improve their attitudes, skills and knowledge together.